Tuesday, 13 August 2013

[ JUYING IDOL 2013 for Primary 1 to Primary 5 ONLY ]

Juying Idol 2013

Important Dates:
Auditions: 26 Aug 2013, Monday for P4-P5 (2.30pm - 4.30pm) Venue: Music Room 1
                   30 Aug 2013, Friday for P1-P3 (during respective recesses) Venue: Library 
(for pupils who submit registration form)

Semi-finals (for pupils who are successful in the Audition and given consent form by Miss Mira)
2nd September 2013, Monday 2.30-4.30pm

Grand Final (for pupils who are successful in the Semi-Final)
23rd September 2013, Monday during Assembly

Pupils who are interested to attend the auditions please fill in the Registration form (you can get from Miss Mira's pigeon hole) and submit to either Miss Mira/Mrs Tandar by Friday 23 Aug 2013. Pupils are to make sure that they are not involved in any remedial on 26th Aug 2013 and 2nd September 2013 since these will be the training dates.

What to do during the Audition?
1.  Participant will sing acapella (without CD/Music accompaniment) for maximum 1 minute.
2.  The song must be in English in which the lyrics do not contain any vulgarities
3. Only successful participants will proceed to the next stage. They will be given a consent form if they are going to the next stage.

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